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Milk and plant-based beverages are part of the deposit system!

As of February 1st, 2022 there is a 10-cent deposit charged on "ready-to-drink" milk and plant-based beverages like oat, soy, and almond. The 10-cent deposit will be refunded when the empty containers are returned for recycling at Return-It sites across the province.

Before returning your empty milk and plant-based beverage containers, remember to rinse them out to avoid mold and smell, put the caps on, or push the straws in. Then take them to your nearest Return-It site, along with the rest of your empty beverage containers.

Learn more about all acceptable beverage containers.

"Ready-to-drink" milk and plant-based beverages with a best before date prior to February 1st, 2022 are exempt from the deposit system. No deposit was paid and therefore no deposit will be refunded for these containers.

Products exempt from the regulation

The recycling regulation has some exceptions including infant formula, meal replacements, concentrates, and products like whipping cream and drinkable yogurt. Containers exempt from the regulation won't carry a deposit.

See more details on "ready-to-serve" drinks excluded from the regulation.

Questions? Please contact our Customer Relations Team at either 1-855-350-2345 or